Barb's Bird Paradise and Aviaries!: Chili Now And Then

Monday, March 22, 2021

Chili Now And Then

Today I decided to share Chili. Chili and I played out in the aviary today. We always have fun together! I asked Charlie my husband to take a photo of us. Chili decided he wanted to get on my head. I waved my hand with a small almond asking him to spread his wings. He did of course and Charlie got the photo. I then proceeded into the house and started looking into old photos of Chili when he was first learning to fly. Now sometimes I like to play with photoshop and here I did in the picture of now and then. I have had Chili since 2008 when he came to me four years old. Plucked and wings clipped and barbered. We began flight training immediately. The then in this photo was when he was growing out his wings and learning to fly up. I just am amazed when I see photos like this. There are many more! Today I just wanted to share this fun photo I did. Love my aviary! 


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